Dot Falling Leaves
Step 1 of 4
Step 1: Materials
Gather the materials needed for this project:
• Construction Paper
• Dot Markers
• Fine Tip Marker or Sharpie
For very young artists, a parent can do the next step (drawing the Trunk) and little ones will continue from there.
Step 2 of 4
Step 2: Draw Your Tree Trunk
• With your skinny marker, sketch the outline of the trunk of your tree.
• Most have a slightly wider base and branches shooting off around the top.
Step 3 of 4
Step 3: Fill It In & Dot the Leaves
• Color in your tree trunk with long vertical lines.
• Use your dot markers to make the leaves of your tree.
• Use lots of colors!
Step 4 of 4
Step 4: Make the Rest Of Your Scene
• Use your dot markers to make grasses, plants, falling leaves, birds, forest animals, and people.