Step 1 of 5
Step 1: Materials
Gather the materials needed for this project:
• Construction Paper
• Glue
• Leaves
• Pencil
• Scissors
• Tape
Step 2 of 5
Step 2: Tape Your Paper
• Collect beautiful fall leaves!
• Tape two pieces of construction paper together.
• For a small wreath feel free to just use one sheet.
• If you find some leaves but don't have time to do this activity right away, press your leaves under a book until you're ready.
Step 3 of 5
Step 3: Outline Your Wreath & Cut
• With your pencil, draw a big circle with a small circle inside.
• Cut out your wreath around the edges and in the middle.
• If you have one, trace the rim of a bowl to make your circles even.
Step 4 of 5
Step 4: Glue On Your Leaves
• Dot glue on your wreath.
• Stick on your leaves whenever you'd like.
• It's ok if they overlap and hang off the edges a bit.
Step 5 of 5
Step 6: Hang! (when dry)
• Cover as much of your wreath with leaves as you'd like.
• Lay flat to dry.
• Then use tape to hang from your favorite door!
•Try laying your wreath in the middle of your Thanksgiving dinner table, placing candles or any other festive decor inside!