Step 1 of 5
Step 1: Materials
Gather the materials needed for this project:
• Construction Paper
• Glue
• Googly Eyes
• Hole Punch
• Markers
• Scissors
Step 2 of 5
Step 2: Make a Leaf
• Draw a leaf on your green construction paper.
• Use your scissors to cut it out.
Step 3 of 5
Step 3: Cut Out Strips
• On another piece of green construction paper, cut out a few long strips for your caterpillar's body.
• Then cut them in half.
• Cut out one half strip on red construction paper for your caterpillar's face.
Step 4 of 5
Step 4: Glue to Your Leaf
• Roll the strips of paper and glue across the end to secure.
• Glue the strips to your leaf in a curved shape (like a caterpillar) with the red one in front.
Step 5 of 5
Step 5: Add Details
• Add googly eyes and a smile.
• Cut out two small strips of green construction paper for antennae.
• Attach with glue on the back of your caterpillars head.
• Use your hole punch to make holes in your leaf - this caterpillar likes to eat all of his green food. Do you?
Did you know that a Queen caterpillar (soon to be Queen Butterfly), actually has three sets of antennae instead of two sets, like Monarch caterpillars?