Step 1 of 6

Step 1: Materials
Gather the materials needed for this project:
• Scissors
• Twine
• Various Leaves, Twigs and Stems
• Any string should work - doesn't have to be twine.
• Of course later you'll want paper and paint!
Step 2 of 6

Step 2: Collect Your Leaves
• Look outside for interesting leaves to use for the bristles of your brushes.
• When you find one you love, grab a small bundle.
• You'll have to attach the leaves to a handle so you'll want a little extra length.
• We had an adult safely carry our scissors to snip off the leaves.
• Each will make a different and unique shape.
Let's Talk
We're Unique, Too
Just like the leaves, we are all unique. There is no one just like you! Let's talk about what makes us stand out...
• What do you think makes you special?
• What sets you apart from others?
• Would you rather stand out from the crowd, or blend in?
Step 3 of 6

Step 3: Don't Forget the Handles
• Next collect some sticks to be used as the handles of your brushes.
Step 4 of 6

Step 4: Wrap Your Brushes
• Cut a piece of twine between 4 - 6 inches.
• Grab a bundle of leaves and line up one end evenly.
• Place your stick in the bundle overlapping just slightly.
• Pinch with one hand and tightly wrap your twine around the bundle with the other.
Step 5 of 6

Step 5: Tie 'Em Off
• Tie the ends in a simple knot and there you go!
• Continue this same process to create additional brushes.
Step 6 of 6

Step 6: Paint Your Masterpiece
• Now that you've got some great new tools for painting, see how they work!
• See what types of lines they make, how easy or hard it is to paint with your new brushes, and what you can create.